UPDATES: 1-New office 107D in same Shoreline Station building D. 2-I start 2 week training for a test technician role with a local company—limited clinic hours 08-21July M-F 6pm-6:45pm. 3-Starting 22July clinic hours will be 10-2 M-F.(Wednesdays at Orangetheory in Pacifica 10-12).

I am excited to show you what is in the works for 2025! As always, get after it! Dr J DC/Vet/owner


Everyone is an athlete competing at their own level. It might not always be in a sport. Yet, it requires a combination of spiritual, mental, and physical athleticism to navigate life. My style of care seeks to learn about your life experiences, how they have shaped your environment(internal or external), and what challenges may be present in quality movement. ASSESS, first to understand the sou... Read More

Everyone is an athlete competing at their own level. It might not always be in a sport. Yet, it requires a combination of spiritual, mental, and physical athleticism to navigate life. My style of care seeks to learn about your life experiences, how they have shaped your environment(internal or external), and what challenges may be present in quality movement. ASSESS, first to understand the source of movement challenges. Second, I ADDRESS whatever we found during the assessment, hypermobile, hypomobile, anatomical constraints, past injuries, or surgeries, major traumas, stressors, hydration, nutrition, etc. Third, I work with you to retrain those challenged movements. “Perfect practice makes perfect performance.” By teaching your body the motor patterns needed for improved motion, you will develop the “mind-muscle-movement” connection. The final step my style of care requires you to continue practicing with perfect form on your own time. By consistently and routinely practicing these movements with perfect form, they will become subconscious, more reflexive, and ultimately will reduce risk of injury.

Jeremiah Kloss is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, and US Marine. Dr. Kloss is married to Brittney Ruffier-Kloss and they have two small dogs, Nohea and Piper. My style of care is thorough and requires longer appointment times than some others. I do not intend for you to ever see me more than once a week. If you do your exercises as prescribed, maybe even once every 2 weeks. **Some acute cases may benefit from more frequent care for a couple weeks.

Jeremiah Kloss is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Kinesiologist, Exercise Physiologist, and US Marine. ... Read More

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